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This Week @ South Shore UMC

Prayer For Those In Military Service Past And Present

(From The United Methodist Book of Worship)

Righteous God, you rule the nations. Guard the brave men and women, past and present, in military service. Give them compassion for those who confront them as enemies. Keep our children from hate that hardens, or from scorekeeping with human lives. Though for a season they were or must be people of war, let them live for peace, as eager for agreement as for victory. Encourage them as they encourage one another, and never let hard duty separate them from loyalty to your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Interested In Becoming A Member At SSUMC?

SSUMC will celebrate and welcome new members to the church on Sunday, November 24. If you would like to learn more about SSUMC, have been worshipping with us regularly and have questions about next steps, or are interested in joining SSUMC, please connect with Pastor Sarah at

Staff Appreciation Month

SPRC has designated the whole month of November as Staff Appreciation Month. Complete a note of appreciation – or tw0 – in the Welcome Center today!

Deck South Shore’s Halls

Following the 11:00 service Sunday, November 24, we welcome you to join with the South Shore Family in decorating the church for the holidays. Many hands make lite (and quick!) work and we will have a variety of tasks to complete of different interests, skill levels, and heights – yes, heights! Refreshments will be provided. Sign-up sheets are in the Welcome Center. Please connect with Cheri Jackson for more information.

UMW Christmas Goodies Sale Dec. 15

As you enjoy the SSUMC choir's Christmas Cantata at both services, UMW will be selling home -baked/prepared Christmas cookies, and other holiday treats before and after each service. The hospitality table will provide samples. Cookies and candies may be purchased by the half dozen, while snacks, etc... Will be sold in quart-size bags. Each 1/2 doz. cookies, candies or snacks may be purchased for $4.00. Crafts for gift-giving will also be available. All proceeds go to the SSUMC kitchen refurbish project.

Next Sunday: Scripture, Story, And Song

Join us in worship next Sunday for Scripture, Story, and Song. We will sing and hear about God’s great blessings throughout the services. This will be a wonderful opportunity to prepare your hearts and minds for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Children In Worship

SSUMC welcomes children to participate in our entire worship services today through December 29, 2019. Children’s Church will resume January 5, 2020. SS Worship Mates are available in the Welcome Center or from a Worship Support Team Member and will be updated weekly for children to engage while in worship. Thank you, SSUMC Family, for welcoming and encouraging our youngest worshippers as they grow up in knowledge and love of God alongside you.

12th Annual Can-O-Cranberry Bowl

Thursday, November 28th ~Thanksgiving Morning. Come join us for a fun

pickup game of flag football while your turkey is cooking! Young and old are both welcome to join this game. 9:00 – 11:00 am ~ Coffee and Donuts ~ RSVP to


11525 Big Bend Road · Riverview, Florida · 33579 | 813.677.9482

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