Worship with us @ South Shore

South Shore UMC worships Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Our weekly worship services weave together traditional hymns, choral anthems, and
modern music in praise of our God.
Pastor Sarah and Lay Members co-facilitate worship leadership each week.
As a worshipping community, we unite our hearts and minds
in the study and worship of our one God.
South Shore streams our Sunday Morning Worship Services via
South Shore UMC's YouTube Channel
which can be viewed by visiting
and selecting the Sunday Service by date.
A YouTube Account is not required to view our worship services.
We welcome you to 'subscribe' to South Shore UMC's YouTube Channel
in order to receive notifications when we post a new video.
We value your presence in worship - in person or online - as part of your offering to God!
Please email attendance@southshoreumc.com to share your presence in worship with us.
Interested in coming? Here’s all you need to know:
Messages are meant to be inspirational and educational as we connect
with one another and seek to work out our own salvation through
relationship with Jesus Christ.
You can expect to hear good theology and also walk away with ways to incorporate the gospel in your everyday life.
We celebrate Holy Communion regularly on Sunday mornings and in special evening worship services throughout the year. At South Shore, we welcome people to receive the sacrament from Christ's open Communion Table by:
Gluten-Free Communion at the Communion Table
Pre-packaged Celebration Communion Cups
Bread and Cup service - receiving a piece of bread and then proceeding to dip a small portion of the bread into the Common Cup or moving to receive an individually poured cup of grape juice.
You need not be a member of this church or any church to come and receive the gift of grace in
Christ's holy sacrament. We welcome folks worshipping with us at home to set
their tables with bread or crackers and juice, water, or lemonade and join us in this holy
celebration of remembrance and thanksgiving.
We believe supporting the mission and ministry of the church financially is an expression of maturing discipleship. The intentional and consistent stewardship of resources is enables the church to make vital impacts in our community and around our world. We invite you to give as you feel led through Sunday offerings or giving online.
We offer child care and children’s ministry options for our Sunday worship and special worship services. Each Sunday morning service includes a specially prepared Children's Moment. Let us know to expect your little worshippers by emailing here!
There is a high level of lay person involvement in worship, including our greeters, worship support team members, musicians, and staff; we welcome people to respond to God's call in offering their gifts and service at South Shore. Inquiry about serving in worship here!
The services start on time; many people arrive early to fellowship in our Welcome Center - located though the large portico on the Westside of the building - enjoying treats and conversation.
We want to call everyone by name and encourage everyone to wear a name tag, which may be obtained and requested in the Welcome Center.
Dress is informal; please come as you are!
Relationships are the heartbeat of our congregation. We look forward to welcoming you in worship and connecting with you in service.
Interested in learning more about South Shore or Meeting our Pastor?
Join Pastor Sarah for Coffee With The Pastor on the Second Sunday of the month in the Family Room outside the Administrative Suite either safely in-person or via Zoom by reservation. Let Pastor Sarah know to expect you by emailing her by the Thursday afternoon preceding Coffee With The Pastor.
Sarah is also available for and welcomes the opportunity to meet with folks by request weekdays and evenings. Email her to set up a time to connect!
There is a place for you and your family at South Shore United Methodist Church.