Celebration And Consecration Of 2020
Commitment Cards Sunday, November 10th
Members and Friends of SSUMC, today we celebrate and consecrate our 2020 Commitment Cards in both worship services. We thank you for completing your commitment card and offering it to God this morning. We hope to have 100% commitment card participation from our church family this year so that together we can Serve Beyond our Shores! If you are in need of a Commitment Card, please connect with a Worship Support Team Member or check in at the Welcome Center to receive one this morning.
Veteran’s Sunday Worship – November 17 @ Both Services
Next Sunday we will celebrate and honor Veterans in worship services through a slideshow and special media presentation. We hope that you will join us in worship as we honor and remember these brave servicemen, servicewomen, and their families.
Interested In Becoming A Member At SSUMC?
SSUMC will celebrate and welcome new members to the church on Sunday, November 24. If you would like to learn more about SSUMC, have been worshipping with us regularly and have questions about next steps, or are interested in joining SSUMC, please connect with Pastor Sarah at sarah@southshoreumc.com.
Staff Appreciation Month
SPRC has designated the whole month of November as Staff Appreciation Month. This will give each of us an opportunity to express our gratitude to Pastor Sarah and the entire Staff for the outstanding accomplishments each has made in their ministries to SSUMC this year. Complete a note of appreciation – or two – in the Welcome Center today!
Deck South Shore’s Halls
Following the 11:00 service Sunday, November 24, we welcome you to join with the South Shore Family in decorating the church for the holidays. Many hands make lite (and quick!) work and we will have a variety of tasks to complete of different interests, skill levels, and heights – yes, heights! Refreshments will be provided. Sign-up sheets are in the Welcome Center. Please connect with Cheri Jackson for more information.
12th Annual Can-O-Cranberry Bowl
Thursday, November 28th ~Thanksgiving Morning
Come join us for a fun pickup game of flag football while your turkey is cooking! Young and old are both welcome to join this game.
9:00 – 11:00 am ~ Coffee and Donuts
RSVP to jcofer2@verizon.net